6K UniMelt Plasma technology

Plasma Technology

6K's UniMelt enables a new era of sustainable manufacturing

Plasma Technology

6K's UniMelt enables a new era of sustainable manufacturing

Transforming Legacy Industrial Production with High Efficiency Plasma Technology

Replace outdated dirty process technologies with clean, efficient production
  • Highly engineered products
  • 2 second production vs 2 day
  • 50%-90% lower cost
  • Scalable, small production footprint
  • Infinite performance material options
Advanced Materials Production
6k inc Forest Background

The World’s only Sustainable Production for Advanced Materials

Clean technology is clean… isn’t it?

The global demand for lithium-ion battery cells is forecast to increase from approximately 700 gigawatt-hours in 2022 to 4,700 gigawatt-hours in 2030.

6K Energy’s domestic CAM production can deliver battery material to help fill the demand while producing material in a much more sustainable way.

Reduce 70% of CO2 GHG = 40 billion pounds
6k inc Frog Silhouette on Leaf
Reduce 70% of CO2 GHG = 40 billion pounds
Reduce 100% of wastewater = 203 billion liters
6k inc Reduce Water Waste
Reduce 100% of wastewater = 203 billion liters
Reduce 90% of water use = 188 billion liters
6k inc Water Bottle
Reduce 90% of water use = 188 billion liters
Reduce 70% of energy use = 26 billion kWh
6k inc Plug and Socket Icon
Reduce 70% of energy use = 26 billion kWh
production for lithium-ion batteries

Pioneer Today, Enable Tomorrow: 6k Brings Infinite Material Possibilities

Meeting the world’s future needs for materials: UniMelt microwave plasma breaks the rules
  • Previously unattainable design flexibility
  • From nanometers to microns: 10,000 x size
  • Metals, alloys, oxides, silicon, carbides, nitrides & more
  • Hollow, dense, nano-foam, single crystal, transparent, meta-stable, intermetallic composite & more
Advanced Additive manufacturing Infographic
scrap material AM powder feedstock

Their Scrap is Our Feedstock: Creating A Circular Economy

Paving the way for domestic performance material manufacturing independence
  • Access to infinite supplies of scrap metals, used batteries and powders
  • Local and on shore production from domestic feedstock
  • Address national security of critical materials
  • Reduce mining of scarce minerals
  • Support local circular economy ecosystems
6K inc Cargo Ship
6K reduces dependence on foreign materials and ensures supply chain integrity by unlocking domestic supplies of feedstock
Light Bridge 6k inc

Unimelt Plasma:
How Does it work?

UniMelt Plasma is proven high volume production system for performance materials
  • Digital process control
  • 6,000 degree operations (6K)
  • 99% efficiency (microwave to plasma)
  • Under 2 second production time
  • 99.999% contamination free
UniMelt® Plasma Technology Process
6k inc Microchip Background
